CrossFit Loud City

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Nutrition Challenge 2020: Week 1

A new year, a new decade…and a new Nutrition Challenge! This year we’re excited to start off the year right by recalibrating and improving our health through nutrition.

This year, we'll be focusing around the mantra of Eat real food. Mostly plants. Not too much.

This mantra is meant to help guide your mentality around principles that apply to just any diet out there. Whether it's Whole 30, Paleo, RP, low carb, low fat, Mediterranean, Intermittent Fasting, etc. These principle will hold true in all categories.

This mantra also targets the two components of Quality and Quantity of the fuel for our bodies.

Each week of this 4-week challenge will build upon the previous week. Meaning the challenge of Week 1 carries through all the way through Week 4.

The first part of the challenge comes from a nutritionist names EC Synkowski - a CrossFit Level 4 Coach, and holds a Masters of Science in Nutrition & Functional Medicine. Having dug into her content for the last several weeks, we love her take on nutrition and how simplified she has made the guiding principles for any person/athlete.

Week 1 of the 2020 Nutrition Challenge is: 800g of Veggies and/or Fruit per day

800g is about 6 cups. You choose the veggies or fruit you want to eat. There is no other restriction outside of that.

This challenge is meant to target the Quality of our foods, and puts a metric to "eating healthier".

The thought is that this easy to follow first step will help fuel your body with the needed nutrients each day, and also help "self-regulate" eating food with poor nutrient quality.

If you have any questions, please talk your coach. We’re looking forward to the next four weeks!